Reminds me..
...of MondoMedia's Happy Tree friends..
Reminds me..
...of MondoMedia's Happy Tree friends..
yeah, I try to make it less so but I definatly see wehre you're coming from
What gorgeous artwork! (Well, whatever I could see out of the corner of my eye..occasionally!! XD)
Took me a while, but I didn't get frustrated or even want to quit; it was very enjoyable and a treat to play!
Saw "Hiragana" and I HAD to click on it. The more games to help people learn Japanese the better! Unfortunately I have no clue about Hiragana (I'm more of a Romanji person) but once I know some Kanji, I will DEFINITELY come back and play this game! Brilliant, I love it!
Thanks for sharing!
(Like the music too, nice and soft in the background :) )
Cheers, thanks for the review!
Hope you like the updates!
I watch a lot of Anime, read a lot of Manga and H.P Lovecraft, listen to a lot of Music and do a lot of Drawing.
Drawing Octopi
Graduated when I was sixteen
Joined on 12/4/10